We have reached the time of year when year-to-date and rolling 12-month time calculations become especially reliable. Buyer and seller activity continues at a decent clip, though generally lower than the spring and summer selling seasons. With the price of gasoline where it is, holiday spending should be strong, which benefits the economy and is, therefore, also good for housing. There’s plenty to be cheerful about this December.
In the Twin Cities region, for the week ending December 13:
- New Listings decreased 12.9% to 661
- Pending Sales increased 6.6% to 679
- Inventory decreased 2.7% to 14,268
For the month of November:
- Median Sales Price increased 5.1% to $205,000
- Days on Market increased 5.3% to 79
- Percent of Original List Price Received decreased 0.7% to 94.7%
- Months Supply of Inventory increased 8.8% to 3.7
All comparisons are to 2013
Click here for the full Weekly Market Activity Report. From The Skinny Blog.